

Principal Investigator

Shyh-Dar Li, BSc (Pharm), PhD
Angiotech Professor in Drug Delivery
Phone: 604-827-0675
Dr. Shyh-Dar Li received a BSc in Pharmacy from National Taiwan University and a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After completing his postdoctoral training at University of California, San Diego, he joined Ontario Institute for Cancer Research and the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto as a Principal Investigator and Assistant Professor in 2009. He relocated to the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of British Columbia in 2014 as an Associate Professor. He was promoted to the Angiotech Professor in Drug Delivery at the Faculty in 2019. His research focuses on developing innovative drug delivery technologies to enhance drug targeting with interests in lipid and polymer-based nanoparticles and prodrug technologies. His research program has been supported by federal funding including National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). In addition to contributing scholarly publications in peer-reviewed journals, his team has successfully licensed three drug delivery technologies to industry with one in phase II trials for brain cancer therapy. Dr. Li has trained 12 postdoctoral fellows, 8 graduate students and 41 undergraduate students. He serves in several research funding review panels, including Canadian Cancer Society Impact Grants, CIHR and National Cancer Institute of NIH. He is currently the Chair of the Faculty’s Nanomedicine and Chemical Biology Research and Training Program, and also a Research Management Committee member of the Nanomedicine Innovation Network.

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